Welcome to the EMASeasy MOVE-IT! project!


            EMASeasy MOVE-IT! Manage and communicate a great and unique regional tourist «all inclusive product package » with EMAS


            The EMAS Easy MOVE-it! project applies the EU Eco-Management and Auditing Scheme (EMAS) cluster certification to regional tourist products or services. The project clusters small and medium size enterprises (SMEs) of a region, which are all part of a value chain of tourism. The value chain and thus the cluster forms a competitive tourism service package, linking cultural, economical, ecological and social aspects with their respective added value.


      The pilot applications cover various types of destinations and clusters in 6 EU member states: Belgium, Germany, Spain, Bulgaria, Cyprus and Estonia.


This project is co-funded by the European Union within the CIP Eco-Innovation initiative of the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme